What is Skeeter Syndrome?

No one enjoys the itchy reaction your body has to a mosquito bite, but for those that suffer from Skeeter Syndrome the reaction is much more severe. And these reactions can have a negative impact on your quality of life. So what exactly is Skeeter Syndrome? Read on to learn more about this relatively rare allergy.

First let’s break down what happens when anyone gets a mosquito bite.

  • When a mosquito bites you, it leaves its saliva underneath your skin.
  • The mosquito’s saliva acts as an anticoagulant to allow it to drink your blood more easily.
  • This saliva contains a protein that your body treats as an allergen. Your body reacts by releasing histamine to the area which causes swelling and itching.

What is Skeeter Syndrome?

An allergic reaction occurs when your immune system overreacts to a substance. So while every person has some sort of reaction to a mosquito bite, those that suffer from Skeeter Syndrome have a much more severe reaction to the protein in the saliva—they have an allergy. There is not a specific blood test that can diagnose this allergy, but a doctor can determine if you are suffering from Skeeter Syndrome by analyzing your reaction to a bite.

Normal Mosquito Bites


After a bite, there can be immediate swelling and redness that peaks after about 20 minutes, turning into a smaller itchy bump.

Skeeter Syndrome Bites


The bite is bigger and lasts much longer. Welts can swell up to four inches within an hour of the bite and continue to worsen over the course of the following days. These welts can be extremely itchy and painful.

Tips to Prevent Getting a Mosquito Bite:

  • Apply insect repellent when spending time outdoors.
  • Wear a long sleeve shirt and pants.
  • For babies, use mosquito netting to cover your stroller. 
  • Avoid going outside during most active times—dawn, dusk and early evening. 
  • Remove standing water. Check items like buckets, planters, toys, pools, birdbaths, flowerpots and trash containers.

What to Do When You Get a Bite
and Have a Reaction

For severe reactions it’s always best to consult a medical professional to see if you need a prescription strength ointment or oral medication after a bite.

Natural Remedies That Work:

  • Use a chemical-free solution, like the Bug Bite Thing suction tool, after a bite to remove the saliva and stop the reaction. 
  • Make a natural topical paste of baking soda and water to apply to the bite.
  • Apply a cold compress or ice pack to the bite to soothe the itching and swelling. 
  • Apply cooked oatmeal, an anti-inflammatory, to the affected area to reduce symptoms.
  • Try a natural spray like Wondercide to cut down on the amount of mosquitoes in your outdoor space and prevent future bites.


  • Pat Schoepfer

    I suffer from Skeeter Syndrome and the bug bite thing works like a miracle. Even if I don’t catch the bite immediately, it still lessens the reaction. I know seconds after the bite and have several bug bite things in various locations for quick access. I try to avoid the bites but the little buggers outsmart me!

  • Lalie

    I bought bug bite three summers ago, it works FANTASTIC, I get terrible reactions from the new mosquitoes that we have in Southern California. THANK YOU Ladies for your invention.

  • Farrah

    We love bug bite thing! Our daughter has skeeter syndrome and used to get horrible welts as a baby. More than once she scratched them and they became infected. Thanks to bug bite thing we’ve prevented much of the swelling and haven’t had a doctor visit for bites for 3 years.

  • Amanda

    I have this issue and the suction tool has made a huge difference. If I use it right after getting bit my reactions are a lot less severe.

  • D. Tremayne

    This product really works! Have skeeter syndrome and occasional spider bites and topical medicine useless. This product worked right away and saved my sanity. Thanks!

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