Real Stories
Bug Bite Thing really works! But we don’t want you to just take our word for it, we have over 75,000 reviews from customers just like you. Customers that have found relief with our suction tool and are sharing their experiences. Check out what they’re saying!
It really does work! I keep one on my desk at school. The kids come up, borrow it, wipe it off and return it for the next mosquito victim!! I usually end up putting in a group order once the kids tell their parents they NEED this!!! (I can't keep tape dispensers, scissors, staplers or pencils, but the kids return this EVERY TIME because it matters to them!!!) Just order it!!!

I don't say this lightly--The Bug Bite Things have been life-changing for me. Not exaggerating. My reaction to mosquito and gnat bites, is intense, almost unbearable itching, which can last ten days or so. I am also a gardener and apparently a mosquito magnet, so that used to be a very frustrating combination. I dreaded the inevitable bites, knowing that each one meant more than a week of misery and interrupted sleep. Now I get to enjoy gardening without the dread or misery of bug bites, because I keep these handy all around the house, in my purse and travel bags, on my bedside table, in my gardening basket, etc, and never want to be without them!
Mosquitos treated my legs like an all-you-can-eat buffet and I walked out of my backyard with close to a dozen bites. I was expecting this to be a frustrating inconvenience for football Sunday. Smearing wings, beer, AND anti itch cream on my couch is a great way to piss off my fiancé and and ensure I sleep on said couch. Luckily found the Bug Bite Thing in the medicine cabinet and gave it a try. Just a few seconds on each bite did the trick! The swelling on my bites went down almost immediately and the itching stopped shortly after. The other reviews are REAL. Losing bets and fantasy football sucks a lot less now. Thank you!
I found my Bug Bite Thing in a CVS many years ago and have been in awe of its simplicity and efficacy since. I have shared the product with numerous friends and family members over the years of raising our children. What a blessing I'm so glad to see how far the company has come in that time.
Awesome customer service! I contacted the seller because mine didn't have a good suction and received my replacement today. Hoping this works especially for my granddaughter who has a terrible reaction to bug bites.

Hello! I am an elementary school nurse during the school 1 year and a camp nurse during the summer. This past summer, I was introduced to the Bug Bite Thing and am now a HUGE fan!
My daughter started swelling up really badly with bug bites last summer (her second summer- not even yet two). It hadn't happened the summer before. The bug bites would leave huge bumps and she wouldn't even look like herself. If she saw herself in the mirror she would cry. They would take a week or more to go down. It was stressful. We spend a lot of time outdoors and even with constant bug spray application, we can't avoid bug bites all summer long. We were trying everything and nothing was working - I was starting to stress how this would affect my daughter when she got older (would she start noticing people staring at her when we went out in public? Would she not want to go to school? Etc?). One of my friends recommended Bug Bite Thing and I tried it, pretty desperate to take some of the stress away from outside time and from our sweet little girl. And it worked. We keep it on us at all times in the summer now because it reduces swelling so much! Truly life changing! It's given us so much peace of mind.
I swear by these. These have been a LIFE SAVER, LITERALLY. I never knew that being allergic to mosquitoes was a real thing until my son was diagnosed with Skeeter Syndrome when he was 1. He was bit and the swelling got so bad within an hour, that his X-ray showed the swelling of the bite was bending, almost breaking, the bones in his arm. We invested in these and have at least one in every vehicle now!! We use them at the first site of a bite and we haven't had a bad experience since then 1000% recommend!!!

Haven't had an opportunity to use this yet, but super excited to try it after my first purchase broke after first use. Contacted the company and they sent me a replacement for my broken one! I wish more companies cared about their customers like they do. Thank you Bug Bite Thing for standing by your product.
I use this, too. I am highly allergic to the species of mosquitos where I live so this gadget has been a life saver from the itch and swollen reactions I get from the mosquito bites!

I got two a few months ago and I swear by this thing. I keep one in my bathroom and one in my purse. I've used it several times on random friends when they get a bite (I live in Florida, so it happens a LOT), and they've all been amazed how quickly it stops the itching. My mom and boss just ordered some within the last week! Definitely recommend!!
I comment on every post I see because I LOVE THESE THINGS!! When I say they it has changed my life in the summertime, I'm not kidding. Bad mosquitos here and I just pop this out and use it and my itch is gone and my bites go down almost immediately. I swear it's a miracle! I have no connection to them and I'm getting nothing but I don't suffer anymore!
It's the only thing that helps me with black fly bites that we have up north in the spring. They get so infected, but this works great. I have to use it more than once on those pesky bites because they are so much worse than mosquitos, but it does the trick! Even unbelievers bought some after using mine.
Our skeeter kit includes the Bug bite thing, a waterproof eye liner (for marking the circumference of the bite - we mark the time and can watch to see if it grows). It also has topical steroid (Rx) and antibacterial (Rx) cream/ointments, and prednisone. We also take visuals of the bite begins to blister or cellulitis begins to form. We take this with us everywhere. It's our first line of defense and I have had such success pulling the protein that the female mosquito injects (what our boys are allergic to) that all Last summer I only had to apply the ointment 2/3 times. And we live in swampy areas. I also used it when our younger son was bit by a wasp. Knowing he's allergic to mosquitoes, I feared if he was allergic to wasps, but the bug bite thing got it all out. And I would love to share these with others. The first year we discovered them, I sent one to our kiddos pediatrician (he worked around the clock when our kids were younger and hospitalized for their mosquito allergies). It felt like handing him a trophy. (That is how much we love these things)

I have been using your product for almost 5 years! I have purchased them and given them as gifts (with the Afterbite roll-on) when I have friends move to Florida where I live. I just want you to know that this product changed my life as I'm that person that mosquitoes love and my bites swell up. If I get the Bug Bite thing on quickly, they are soooo much better if not gone! Thank you for such a simple thing that changed my life.
Okay, this thing is amazing! I get chewed alive because I taste like steak with A1 to mosquitos, plus I scar badly and often need topical antibiotics because my bites get so nasty and infected. I lose sleep due to itching all summer long. My miracle Bug Bite Thing arrived yesterday and I put it right to work. I got several bites in the woods and used the BBT when I got home. Today there's almost nothing there! No itch, no blood, no scab, no nothing! The bites are tiny little dots that I can barely see, and most importantly that I can not feel! I needed a miracle, and I got one for $10! What a steal! Thank you, BBT creators! You saved me so much agony and so many scars! Also, y'all must have a deal with Scotty from the Enterprise because my package arrived so quickly that it seems as though it was deemed to Michigan from Florida! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

So mosquitoes eat me up anytime they are around. I’ve had a problem for years and since I found this oh my God, let me tell you I’ll just uses the itchiness and the information goes away immediately such a great product for such a small price I recommend this for anyone that has mosquito attraction.
Bugs love me, but now I don’t worry about bites as I just pop this on. Great to not have to use chemicals. For the price it’s amazing.